- 12:00 AM

Peter Ruby at the 2022 Northeastern Regional SIGnature Event


Peter Ruby will be presenting at the 2022 Northeastern Regional SIGnature Event. 

Peter Ruby will be speaking at the session From the Trenches – Procurement Challenges and Learnings.

SIGnature Events are powerful one-day meetings in which buy-side practitioners benchmark with other organizations and network with colleagues facing similar issues. This event offers an Executive Roundtable, General Session Speakers (offering training and practical, implementable tools), CPO Presentations, Analyst Overviews, and SIG Talks (15-minute discussions in a "Ted Talk" format). Our day will wrap with a Networking Happy Hour to allow all delegates the opportunity to connect. Delegates will visit our Provider Showcase sponsor tables where our providers will showcase their industry expertise, all while enjoying a happy hour reception.

For more information, click here.