Jon Feldman interviewed in "Shareholder Activism in Canada 2021", Activist Insight

Jonathan Feldman discusses how COVID-19 has impacted shareholder activism in a recent interview with Activist Insight:
How has COVID-19 impacted shareholder activism? Is there any sign of a return to “normal business” for activism?

At the start of the pandemic many of our issuer clients were very worried that activists would take a run at them but these attacks never came because at the same time, many of our activist clients took the view that there was too much uncertainty, particularly in winning the battle for public support on their campaigns – so they held off in fear of looking too opportunistic and vulnerable to “COVID defenses.” When the various regulators announced in 2020 that AGMs could be postponed until December 31, this alleviated the anxiety of boards (which could use this time to their advantage) and gave activists time to put campaigns together.

Click here to read the full article.

Click here to listen to "Activism in Canada ,The Activist Insight Podcast".