Ontario "Grandfathers" Recent Budget Changes to Production Services and Computer Animation and Special Effects Film Tax Credits

On May 25, 2015, Ontario Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Michael Coteau, announced that the changes to the Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC) and the Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit (OCASE) noted in Ontario’s 2015 budget will be “grandfathered” for all film and tv projects that were sufficiently advanced before the budget date, April 23, 2015.  (For a description of the changes, see our April 24, 2015 Update, Ontario Reduces Production Services and Special Effects Film Tax Credits).  The Minister stated: “… we intend to table amendments to the Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC) and Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit (OCASE) that would, if passed, provide a transition period to ensure that producers who made a significant commitment to Ontario before the introduction of the Budget would receive the tax credit rates they expected.”