Max Laskin and Anne Benedetti at ULI Toronto's Unpacking Bill 23: Who Does What? - Making Sense of the New Planning and Development Approval Process


Join Max Laskin and Anne Benedetti for a critical and up-to-date understanding of the evolving approvals landscape (immediate and longer-term) in the wake of last fall’s massive reforms impacting the real estate and development industry.

The More Homes Built Faster Act (Bill 23) significantly shuffles the planning approvals governance deck between upper and lower tier municipalities, conservation authorities, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the OLT. What are these changes and what are the implications for the development industry in navigating the approvals process under the new legislation?


  • Brian Bridgeman, Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development, The Regional Municipality of Durham
  • Tristan Downe-Dewdney, Director, Municipal Affairs, Sussex Strategy Corp 
  • Barbara Montgomery, Legal Counsel, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) 
  • Eldon Theodore, Partner, MHBC 
To learn more, click here